Friday, February 28, 2014

Sniper vs Iraqi Militia Machine Gunner

Daily Amusing Military Guns- Sniper vs Roadblock

Hell yeah! With 5,000 machine gun rounds I will!

Here's a video of an Iraqi Militia trying to take out a sniper with guns a blazing ala commando style, like Jessie Ventura in Predator only less sexual tyrannosaurus-sy.  Several obvious things can be deduced while watching the video -  1.  He does not know where the sniper really is, 2.  He does not know that snipers can take out targets under cover more so if you are not , 3.  He thinks that snipers are bad shots, 4.  He thinks that firing at random targets will scare the sniper into showing himself and thereby allowing him to shoot said sniper, 5.  He believes it is a game of numbers.  Boy, is he in for a surprise.

Keep going to see the golden shot.

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Two Epic GoPro Videos

Daily Sports Gadgets - GoPro

There are a lot of GoPro videos out there but I think these two take the cake.

I used to fancy myself becoming a world-class athlete when I was small.  Images of Olympic grandeur and the thrill of standing before a crowd of thousands often enter my young mind.  I dreamed of being a sprinter or a hurdler back then.  However, my dreams of being  a sprinter was cut short really early in life with an epiphany during a game of tag.  I could never be the kid that's never the "IT."  It's like fate was telling me something.  I'm in IT now, so I guess that's what it was telling me then.  Did that make sense?

Keep going to see the videos.

Do Not F*ck with Trains

Daily News Vehicles - Train Accidents Netherlands

Daily News Vehicles - Train Accidents Bangkok

Why oh why would you do such thing?

Here's a couple of CCTV footage showing, I don't know, sheer stupidity?  The barrier's down, the siren's blaring, the rest of the people have stopped.  Then there's the train.    I mean how hard could it be to spot the train.  It's big.  It's flashy.  It's big.  It's noisy.  It's big.  It's fast.  It's big.  Did I mention that it's big?

Granted that the train is going really fast, but considering its size, it's still pretty visible I imagine.  Then there's the down barrier, the sirens, and the rest of the people that have stopped.  And it's really big.

End results, one got to see the train before the last second while the other got to see a train for the last time.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Arrests Gone Wrong in Kansas City, Missouri & Moore City, Oklahoma

Daily News - Cops

Daily News - Cops

Cops vs Arrested Guys:  Cops 0, Arrested Guys 2 (We're Talking Dead Count Here)

Here's a couple of videos showing cops doing their jobs, i.e. killing the felon arresting someone by killing. Quit it.  First one seems justified, I know for a fact that you shouldn't hit a cop if you are being arrested. Everyone knows that,  except maybe this guy.  The second one, I'm not so sure.  Maybe in WWF's Royal Rumble, 5 against 1 is allowed, but come on.  It takes 5 cops to put down a bit-on-the-heavy-side middle-aged man?  Geez!  Guy likely died because he couldn't breath under all your weight bozos.

One thing's common for sure though between the two videos.  Had these cops got any hand-to-hand combat skills, the deaths of both guys could have been avoided.  Well, to be fair, had the douchebag taking the video in the first one helped the cop, the shooting could have been prevented.. but that's for another story.

Hit the jump to see both videos.

It Was A Decent Plan, Execution-wise, Not So

Daily Amusing Vehicles - Car Towing in Russia

Russian drivers.  Need I say more?

Okay Borris. I will go and connect this cable to the back of the bus.  You, stay put and make sure you get to steer the Lada, yes?  "Yes."  Okay, here we go.  *grunts* *grunts* Okay done.  Borris!  Why are you here? I said you stay put!  "I am put."  No, I said stay put in the car!  "Ahh, now you say.  But do not worry comrade, car will go steer itself then, see?"  Borris, you Тупой tupoy! 

Hit the jump to see what happened.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Question: What's In Common Between Indiana and Vietnam?

Daily News - Indiana Deck Collapse

Daily News - Vietnam Hanging Bridge Collapse

Answer: Both have videos showing man-made structures collapsing under stress resulting to human casualties and in one case, multiple deaths.

Accidents happen all the time.  Most of them happen without witnesses and are described as just an accident by the news.   They just become part of some statistics, forgotten just minutes after being read or heard. While there are some that are captured in high-def video showing the moments leading into and the accident itself. These ones stick to us.  Not because of the macabre that ensues, I know for some people *cough* sickos *cough* it might be the case, but for most of us, it's because of the primal fear that it makes us experience.

They remind us just how fragile life can be.  It's this mixture of fear and awe that keeps us glued to the screen, part of us wants to look away, part of us can't, won't.  Seeing them reminds us of the value of being alive. And you know that crap that you're currently going through should really be the least of your worries.

Keep going to see the videos.

Today's Lesson: How To Throw A Grenade

Daily Random - Grenade Training Goes Wrong

When you're at this level of competence, anything can happen.

Like throwing the pin and holding onto the grenade is one. To be fair, it might not be the pin and the grenade thing but how do you train someone like this guy? I know, have him trained by R. Lee Ermey himself. The guy will surely straighten up under the lovable tutelage of Gunnery Sergeant Hartman,  Full Metal Jacket style.
Gunnery Sergeant Hartman: Do you think I'm cute, Private Pyle? Do you think I'm funny? 
Private Gomer Pyle: Sir, no, sir! 
Gunnery Sergeant Hartman: Then wipe that disgusting grin off your face. 
Private Gomer Pyle: Sir, yes, sir. 
Gunnery Sergeant Hartman: Well, any fucking time, sweetheart! 
Private Gomer Pyle: Sir, I'm trying, sir. 
Gunnery Sergeant Hartman: Private Pyle I'm gonna give you three seconds; exactly three-fucking-seconds to wipe that stupid looking grin off your face or I will gouge out your eyeballs and skull-fuck you! ONE! TWO! THREE! 
Private Gomer Pyle: Sir, I can't help it, sir. 
Gunnery Sergeant Hartman: Bullshit! Get on your knees scumbag! 
Gunnery Sergeant Hartman: Now choke yourself.
Hit the jump for the video and more of Gunnery Sergeant Hartman antics.

Monday, February 24, 2014

It's Called PotClock Err PlotClock

Cool Technology Gadgets - Plotclock

It writes the time for you so you don't have to.

Here's a video of a really cool and prohibitively expensive watch to use.  It's called the PlotClo..  Yeah, but does it tell the day?  "No."  I like my watch to have at least 6 buttons.  "Doesn't have one." Pathetic.  I want stopwatch and timer functions.  "It doesn't have those."  Right.  I want alarm functions.  "It can't do that." Display a second time zone?  "Doesn't have one."  I want illuminated dials.  "No."  What the heck?  Then what can it do?  "It writes the time on a piece of whiteboard, erases it, then writes the new time again." Cool! I want one! "You can't have it."  Noooo!!!!!

Hit the jump to see the sexy writing action and the instructions on how to build one.  Yes, build one.

When Simba Eats Pumbaa

Random Animals - Lion Eats Warthog

Alive and screaming!

Remember that post of a wild dog eating a still living impala? As Leonardo Dicaprio put it aptly in that post, This Is Africa. Yes, here's another video showcasing just how savage the wilds truly are.  Though I might add this takes the experience to a whole new level.  I was wincing the whole time.. And I don't wince easily. It's the warthog's scream..  It's so visceral.

Whomever thought of the Lion King stories should see this.  Luckily for my kids, I've always told them that lions eat warthogs and meerkats so they can never be friends as friends do not eat friends.  Just stabs them in the back.

Warning:  Savage video ahead.

Close Calls

Daily Random Events News - Close Calls

There are bad days and there are bad days.  This is one is the latter.

There are days when you wake up feeling like a billion bucks.  When you feel that everything's possible and everybody everywhere is part of your royal subject.  All for your pleasure and disposal.  These days do not come often as most days we usually drum along, uneventfully, with our existence.   Typical day.  Yes, stereo typical boring days.  Then there are these days like in this video when you wake up feeling like you owe a billion bucks to a mafia boss.  Suddenly, everyone, everywhere, and everything is just out to make a chalk-outline out of you.

Keep going to see the video.

Saturday, February 22, 2014

When Game of Thrones Women are Disney Princesses

Daily Amusing Entertainment - Disney Princesses Game of Thrones

Look at this stuff, isn't it neat?

Yes, it is neat indeed.  Well, Game of Thrones is in the air, come April and I could finally begin living in Westeros again.  I've actually stopped reading the books coz I no longer want to ruin the experience by nitpicking on details that were omitted and/or changed.  Just like the Red Wedding, for those who have not read the book, that was a real shocker, but for those of us who have.. to me at least, such event has been eclipsed by details, details.

Keep going to see who's who in the Disney Princesses.

Friday, February 21, 2014

DHL's Viral Video

Entertainment Funny - DHL is faster

LOLZ! Pawned!  Says DHL.

Yes, in a move that can be described as cheap yet equally genius, DHL had other major shipping companies actually advertise for them.  How'd they do it?  Well they had these huge boxes printed with DHL ads and had them taped over with thermo-active foil that appears opaque or transparent when it reaches a certain temperature. The boxes started out as plain black box (due to the freezing process) which gradually turns into a brown box complete with the words "DHL IS FASTER" as they get warmer.  DHL then had their competing shipping companies deliver these boxes.  Brilliant.

I can just see the smirk on DHL.

Hit the jump to see the viral video.

The Grim Situation in Ukraine

Daily News - Unrest in Ukraine

As shown from both sides.

Here's a documentary-style video showing you just how bad the current situation is in Ukraine.  I'm sure you've heard of it in the news for some time now but what's shown there are filtered coverage, this one is raw street coverage.  It's a surreal thing to watch, very reminiscent of all those wartime movies, only this one is real.

So what exactly started all this?  The short answer is Politics.  But if you want to know the whole story, here's a very good run-down from this site.

Hit the jump to see the video.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Everyone's Heard of the Mile-High Club, But How About the Mile-Low Club?

Daily News Travel - Oliver's Travel

Membership fee: $290,000/night.

Yes, it's the ultra-mega-luxury-the-most-expensive-to-date-affordable-only-to-17-people-in-the-whole-world-cruise-trip from Oliver's Travels.  This eclipses the previous most expensive cruise at 171+K which is already the entire trip, as this one from Oliver's Travel, is per night.  Yes.  Per.  Night.

They say that a wedding is grand.  Divorce, a 100 grand.  Well this honeymoon destination is 390 grand.  Beat that.

Keep going for more information.

A Dot Matrix Printer's Rendition of Eye of the Tiger

Daily Amusing Gadgets - Eye of the Tiger Printer


Here's something you don't see everyday, a dot matrix printer.  But you know what's something you don't see more of everyday than a dot matrix printer?  A singing dot-matrix printer!  Yes, sir.  This is a video of a printer with its own rendition of Eye of the Tiger.   It's not the full song co'z you know doing so might blow the printer's head but it's still awesome.  Oh and I should go back from my word, this guy's genius level is genius^9, which means you can't get more genius than that.  If you do you'd divide by zero.

Hit the jump to watch the printer sing this Survivor's classic.

Curling - Explained

Sports Event - Curling Olympics

No, I'm not talking about the hair salon treatment, I'm talking about the event in Winter Olympics.

Right up till about 5 minutes ago, I've no clue that what I was watching on the TV was actually an olympic event.  All the while, I thought those guys were just cleaning the ice or something, like polishing it for the next event.. What I don't get is why do they need to launch a kettle-looking thing before they start scrubbing.  But as it turns out, it's actually an event, and it's called Curling.

Keep going to watch the explanation of the sport by the soothing voice of Sir David Frederick Attenborough, the all-familiar voice from the natural history programs.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

What's Up with WhatsApp? Oh Nothing Much, Just 16 Billion Dollars

Daily, News, Gadgets - FB Buyout of WhatsApp

That's a huge purchase there my boy.

Facebook has made the monumental buyout of WhatsApp, to the tune of 16 Billion Dollars in cash and stocks as filed in this SEC document today making the buyout official.  16 Billion Dollars.  Wow.  And here I am, not even a $100 in my pocket.  *sigh*

Keep going for more of the story that's buzzing the internet like crazy.

Let There Be Distilled Water

Daily Amusing Gadgets - Eliodomestico Water Distiller

But before that, I'd need some saltwater, sunlight, and the mushroom-guy-from-mario-bros-looking-pot above.

That funky pot, dubbed Eliodomestico, by Italian designer Gabrile Diamanti is a solar-powered water distiller that can provide 5 liters of distilled water in one sunny day.  You just put some water in (not necessarily drinkable), leave it under the sun, and you're set.  Great news for developing countries.

What's remarkable is that Gabrile Diamanti had the designs open for everyone to use.  It's an open project, so yes, he's not patenting it.  Awesome guy. What's even more remarkable is that you can start a salt business as a by-product of the distilling process.  It's a win-win situation.

Hit the jump to see it in action.

Squeaky-Urine-Cleaned Utensils in Pizza Hut

Wait? Did you just say urine?

Yes.  Yes I did. Here's a video of a Pizza Hut employee in Kermit West Virginia urinating into the restaurant's deep sink.  You know, the same one used to wash the plates, the knives, the spoons, and the forks that you use to put food in your mouth.  Which at the same time, is also used to wash the ingredients for your delicious meal.  Yummy.

Oh and it gets even better, the guy is not an ordinary employee, but a District Manager nonetheless.  Nice. Don't fret though, I heard that urine is sterile so it's all good.

Keep going to see the CCTV footage.

Punch Drunk Love - A Tale of a Drunk, a Punch, and Neighbor Love

Funny,Random Things - One Punch Knockout

It was like the picture above, only the knockout lasted longer.. wayyyy longer.

Tough-looking guy complete with tattoos bangs on your doorsteps threatening to do unpleasant things to you.  What kind of things? I don't know, like shoving a big cucumber right up your cornhole is one.  Now out of the million unpleasant things that  you could think of, why would I choose that as an example?  I've no clue.  I was just here writing this post while eating a donut and I've thought of cucumbers.  Weird.

Anyway, it looked like the guy was out cold for a full night.  Granted, he may have come to earlier and decided to sleep away his drunkenness in the hallway..  That, or he suffered brain damage from his fall.

To see the punch that rivals that of Manny Pacquiao's, you know what to do.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Flappy Bird Final Level Boss

Daily, Funny, Gadgets, Games - Flappy Bird Final Levels

Who do you think stands before the duck bird.

Yes, yes, we've all heard of this awful, awful, game everyone who has played love to hate.  It's about the journey of one poorly-drawn bird (my 7-year-old son could do a ton better) navigating through a series of familiar-looking pipes with familiar-sounding chimes that appear to have no ending.  Or is there?

While I'm already contented with my personal best at 26, this guy in the video has taken the Fapping Bird game, did I just say fapping?  Sorry, Flappy..  well beyond the realms of reality.

Keep going for the video.

Father Climbs a Building To Stop Daughter From Jumping To Her Death

News, Family - Father Stopped Daughter from Jumping

Now that's some active parenting.

It's a scene no one parent wishes to see. What do you do when you go home and see your child threatening to commit suicide by jumping out of the window?  Would you panic?  Try to talk them from jumping?  Call the police? Or would you do as this father did. Climb up.

Good thing that this father have some experience climbing houses.  Hey, I'm not implying anything.

Video after the jump.

They Had To Do It - Marijuana Flavored Condoms

Amusing, Random Things, News - Marijuana Flavored Condoms

Cannabis fans, rejoice!

You know how it is with trends, when something is a hit, it is a hit.  Everyone and everything jumps on in.  So how long did it take for condom makers to make a marijuana-flavored rubber?  Not long.

Here's the latest from Multihigh, an online smoking accessories and paraphernalia shop - they call it Cannadoms.  This rubber for your one-eyed-monster will set you back $54 for a pack of 50 but I guess it's all worth it because it will make your monster earth-friendly because of the green color.  But you know what else is green?  The Incredible Hulk.  Now, what monster doesn't want to be The Incredible Hulk, huh? Exactly.

While you ponder on that, hit the jump to see The Incredible Hulk like you've never seen him before.

Monday, February 17, 2014

How To Punish a Thief #26 - Place Him On An Anthill

News - Random Things: Thief Punishment - Ants

Brazil street justice reaches new heights.

Here's a video of a thief that got caught trying to rob a house.  As usual, he's meted with the requisite beating (not shown) which includes but are not limited to, punches, kicks, knee strikes, elbow strikes, etc., he's then hogtied and, get this, dumped on top of an anthill for additional punishment while they wait for the police to arrive.  Creative Achievement Unlocked!

Keep going for the video.

300-meter Sniping With a Glock 9MM

Gadgets - Random Things: Sniping with a Glock 9mm

This guy could be in Impossible Shots.

I'm no expert at sniping for many reasons, mostly because I don't own a gun, but I imagine hitting a target 300M away is difficult enough, let alone hit it with a hand pistol.  This guy though makes it look easy. Three hits on a figure 11 target at 300 meters in a windy day with less than 40 rounds fired.. Sorry, I don't know what to make of that if it's epic or not, like I said I'm no expert.  But what am I saying, he's Instructor Zero!  Of course it's easy for him.  He's the resulting progeny of combining Chuck Norris and Leonidas genomes.  Just don't let him say "collateral damage."

Hit the jump for the video.

What Does the F** Say

Amusing Random Things - What does the fox say

Fox.  The * was there because my keyboard malfunctioned while typing the title and I'm too lazy to edit it.

Yes, I'm lazy like that sometimes. Sorry.  My 9-year-old daughter had me watch this clip I think, for a thousand times today, and it's been stuck in my head all day long that I need some release.  It's like an alien chestbuster that has been clawing at me from the insides that needs to be out, like, now.

Keep on reading for the video.

T.I.A. Bru

This is Africa - News, Animals, Random Things - Blood Diamond - Leonardo Dicaprio

In case you don't know how to lip-read, what my bro Leo is saying up there is "This is Sparta". Wait, what? Oh sorry, wrong film, Africa, it's Africa.

Video after the jump shows you a still-alive impala having its guts devoured by a wild dog in the Kruger National Park.  One of them footages that let's us see just how wild the wilds really are.  Not a video to watch while enjoying your expensive Foie Gras nor one to show to the kids especially when you have a pet dog at home.

Warning:  Savage footage ahead.

Friday, February 14, 2014

Mummified Pizza, Anyone?

Random Things, News, Food - Mummy Pizza
           Visit [] for the mummy pizza recipe.

It's the perfect pizza for the uniformed men.  

At least that's what the scientists in the U.S. Army Natick Soldier Research, Development and Engineering Center are aiming for in perfecting this soldier's food.  Get this, this pizza would last without refrigeration, not days, not weeks, not months, but years.  Years. 

How's that possible?  Read on.

Man's Man-hole In Danger After Pushing a Woman In a Manhole

News - Musings: Murder Attempt

It's a murder plot, inspired by the Looney Tunes.

Have you ever been bothered by the people you owe debt to?  Do you have sleepless nights because of constant telephone calls?  Do you always have the feeling of being followed?  Well worry no more.  Here's the new Acme Manhole Instant Trap-O-Nator!  It's an amazing product that instantly converts any manhole into a death trap.  Be it a phone, electrical, sewer, or any type of manhole, the Acme Manhole Instant Trap-O-Nator fits them all!  Show those pesky collectors their match.  The Acme Manhole Instant Trap-O-Nator! Umbrella sold separately.

Warning:  Might cause problems with your own man-hole if you get sent to jail by getting caught using the product.

Keep going to see the product in action.

Weeee!!!! I'm Gonna Find Dory!

Random Silly Things of Animals with Gadgets - Goldfish driving

Here's a fish driving a truck.  You looked shocked.  I say again, here's a fish driving a truck.

This motorized monster-by-a-fish-standard-truck-and-aquarium-in-one  responds by following the direction where the fish is swimming to.  Neat eh?  Not sure though if the fish is aware that it's driving its own aquarium. Also, I'm no expert but I think all that movement is not healthy for the fish.  Still cool though. Maybe I should get our clownfish, Nelmo, back home one of these.

Hit the jump to see more of the speedy-fishy action.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

I Can Has Cake!

Daily Blog, Events, Family - Valentine's Cake from teh Wifey

My lovely wife made this for me for Valentine's.. she's just the sweetest thing.

What did I get her?  Ummm.. Aside from my endearing presence in her life and an unlimited source for all her manly-stuff needs, does a blog entry count?

Seriously though and if you would please permit me to be a little mushy since it is Valentine's and all.  She's the best thing that ever happened in my life.. and I, I will always be that man trying to make it worth her while.  I love you honée, with all my heart.

So, while I busy myself eating, why don't you awesome folks hit the jump and watch the clip I made for her a couple of years ago.

Not Your Typical Door

Amusing, Random Things - Torggler Door

This gives a new perspective to getting your fingers stuck in the door.

Or get cut by it.

.50 Cal Vulcan Rifle Backfires

News, Hobby - Gun Accident


So you have your new shiny .50 Cal Sniper Rifle just begging to be tested.  You head out to your local firing range and chambered in the stock .50 Cal bullet.  You're thinking, this would be the first bullet to be fired from this gun.  Momentous you say.  Slow controlled breaths.  Squeeze don't pull.  

Boom!  All hell break loose. 

Swallowed Corvette Cars - The Aftermath

Vehicles, News - Corvettes

Nope, those are not my son's matchbox cars.

If you live under the rock like Patrick does or got stuck in an island like Chuck Noland for the past 24 hours, chances are you haven't heard of  the news about Corvettes being swallowed whole. It's a scene straight from a horror movie where the ground swallows hapless folks cars in their sleep.  Very difficult to watch especially  if you're the owner.

How To Change Tires on a Roadside Like a Man

Vehicles, Random Things - Flat Tire

Never bother about incoming traffic, that's it, really.

Wait, did I write down "Like a Man?" Sorry, that should have read "Like an Imbecile."

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Castlevania: Lord of Shadows 2 Playable Demo Now Available

Gadgets and Gaming - Castlevania: Lord of Shadows 2

After two years of waiting, gaming fans, rejoice!  Wohoo!

The first Castlevania that I played was way back in the Nintendo Famicom.  It was the best side-scrolling game in my opinion then.  Believe it or not, I was only able to finish the game after college.  That long huh?  I always seem to get stuck back then in the Ripper's level and never got to finish the game before the game cartridge broke.  After college, I saw a Famicom for sale complete with several game cartridges that included Castlevania.  I just had to buy it.  I needed the closure.

Game trailer and  download link after the jump.

When Trucks and Trucks Collide

Vehicle Accident - Driver Killed on the Site

Don't expect the outcome to be any good.

Nine times out of ten when terrible accidents are showcased,  it's always Russia.   Why Russia? There was this article that I read before, forgot to bookmark sorry, but basically what it said can be summarized into unpredictable weather, icy roads, drivers driving at F1 speeds, pedestrians crossing anywhere, and vodka. Where some cases it's one or the other, in most, it's all together.

Keep going for the video.

Don't Play That Song, That Achy Breaky Song Two

Funny Random Things - Billy Ray Cyrus

The interwebs is buzzing and it's not because of Miley Cyrus but because of her old man Billy Ray, with his remake of his one-hit-wonder Achy Breaky Heart.  You know, that song that we all love to hate.

Not a minute in the video and my ears were already bleeding.  I don't know which's worse.  The rap, the Achy Breaky sample used in the chorus, or the twerking alien hookers.  I think I'll just play it safe and say it's all of them.  You've been warned.

Video after the jump.

If a Cameraman Accidentally Falls from a Plane, Will the Pig Try to Eat Him Too?

Gadget - Camera Falls from Airplane

Like the camera that accidentally fell from this plane, I think the pig will definitely eat him.

I've seen several films, mobster ones usually, that employ pigs as the "cleanup crew" for their crimes. Large ones starved for several days will devour any unfortunate animal or human that would come across it's path. Not sure if it's all true so don't quote me on this, but they are very efficient at "cleaning" that there won't be any evidence left at all, not even bones.

Bear that in mind next time you eat some bacon as that bacon might have eaten someone before.

Video after the jump

Awesome Dad and Daughter Bonding

Vehicle Family Time, Fun - Driving with Dad

Just listen to the kid's laughter.

I don't understand why this video got a lot of negative feedback.  The dad obviously knows what he's doing as I reckon he's a pro or a semi-pro in drifting, plus the kid is strapped securely in her toddler car seat.  I mean how's it different with the two of them in a roller coaster?  This guy takes the time to show his kid a good time and that alone lands this dude in my good side.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

It Is Not Your Screen

Lovely folks, you might see a couple of layout changes for the coming days.  So heed the title, it is not your monitor,  it's perfectly fine so stop messing with it.

It's that I'm still undecided on what would be the final look of this blog and is still in the process of trying things out.  Fair warning though, I always have a hard time deciding.  So please, bear with me.

But hey, it does not mean that posts will stop, nawww, it's business as usual.

Holy Smokes Batman!

batman, october jones, joe butcher

The Batmobile broke down so I'm taking the subway.

Here's a good idea from illustrator Joe Butcher AKA October Jones when you're stuck in traffic while commuting.  "I take the subways, there's no traffic there." Of course there is silly.  Anyway, get yourself a pen/pencil and a post-it (yes, the ones you took from the office supplies would be fine), draw random heads, strategically position them covering people's heads, and, this is the crucial part, covertly take a picture using your smartphone.

Hit the jump for more pics and the link.

The Prequel!

go f*ck yourself, prequel

Not even 24 hours and there's already one.

Who Let The Dogs Bite! Woof! Woof! Woof! Woof! Woof!

Funny Animals: Wild Dog Bites Hyena's Nose

Admit it.  You sang to that.  It's ok,  I did too.

Meanwhile, somewhere in Africa.  A pack of wild dogs showed a hyena who is top canine in an attack that showcased the classic bite-to-the-nose maneuver.  A maneuver that dates back to ancient times when ancient dogs used to roam the ancient world in an ancient setting.  It's just so ancient I'm telling you. Anyway, such maneuver is so effective that it left the usually laughing hyena still laughing but in a more timid manner.

Jump to see the video.

Facebook's Look Back Movie Reactions

Funny, Facebook Look Back, Parody

Yep, that's 10 years of my life there.

I believe this is the algorithm Facebook used to mash-up your 50,000+ photos and posts  into a one-minute video.


"Your First Moments" = choose one or combination of up to three.  If resulting "likes" is lesser than "another photo" but "another photo" does not fall into one of the categories, choose "Your First Moments"

a.  You look stoned
b.  Your mugshot for DUI
c.  You look like an idiot
d.  You look like a deer caught in the headlights

Monday, February 10, 2014

I Only Have Three Words for You

Funny Neighbor

No they are not I love you.

Here's a neighbor with a winning personality.  What's the backstory?  I've no clue and I won't bother to know.  The exchange is amusing in itself.  No need for us to bore ourselves with details.  Instead, sit back, listen, and enjoy the words.  I can't wait for the auto-tune version.

Video after the jump.

It's Too Perfect that You'd Definitely Fall For It

Face Plant, Funny, News

Or on it.

Well it's just in, the perfect time to go jogging is when it's sub-zero and the road is covered with black ice.