Thursday, February 13, 2014

I Can Has Cake!

Daily Blog, Events, Family - Valentine's Cake from teh Wifey

My lovely wife made this for me for Valentine's.. she's just the sweetest thing.

What did I get her?  Ummm.. Aside from my endearing presence in her life and an unlimited source for all her manly-stuff needs, does a blog entry count?

Seriously though and if you would please permit me to be a little mushy since it is Valentine's and all.  She's the best thing that ever happened in my life.. and I, I will always be that man trying to make it worth her while.  I love you honĂ©e, with all my heart.

So, while I busy myself eating, why don't you awesome folks hit the jump and watch the clip I made for her a couple of years ago.

I know I know, I ought to make her at least a new one.

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