Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Saving Private Ryan

Random Things, News: XStat

From killing-efficiency to saving-lives-efficiency.  Yes, this is in keeping with today's Yin-Yang theme.

Folks, I give you X-Stat, an invention that might be the biggest factor in saving a soldier's life in the battlefield.

According to the article, being shot in the battlefield may not be the most painful experience a soldier can get. Apparently, it's what the medics do to you that would leave you howling in pain that would rival a dire wolf in full heat during a full moon.

Here's the thing, to treat a trauma wound, you will get stuffed with gauze as deep as 5 inches into the wound cavity and be applied with direct pressure.  No wonder why you'd be relieved of your gun first before being treated.  Now if after 3 minutes has passed and the bleeding has not stopped, the medic will remove all the gauzes, and, you guess it, start stuffing all over again.   Goodness.

Don't quote me on that procedure though, I'd have to ask my brother-in-law who is a combat medic in the U.S. Army.

Full story.


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