Tuesday, February 4, 2014

The Last Round You Will Ever Need

Random News - RIP

That's what she said.

Ever since the dawn of time, man has continuously searched for more efficient ways of killing.  From rocks, to clubs, to spears, to bows, to maces, to cleavers, to cannons, to guns, to.. you get the idea.  Now this. What kind of people spend hours designing and figuring out the most effective bullet to kill something or someone?  Kinda sick if you really think about it.  Even more so the one who came up with the name, R.I.P., good play on words you sick smart ass.

Imagine being the receiving meat slab for this bullet.  Bet you'd be dead before you can say "ouch, that hurts."

I still root for the sniper rifle bullet in Wanted.

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