Monday, February 24, 2014

When Simba Eats Pumbaa

Random Animals - Lion Eats Warthog

Alive and screaming!

Remember that post of a wild dog eating a still living impala? As Leonardo Dicaprio put it aptly in that post, This Is Africa. Yes, here's another video showcasing just how savage the wilds truly are.  Though I might add this takes the experience to a whole new level.  I was wincing the whole time.. And I don't wince easily. It's the warthog's scream..  It's so visceral.

Whomever thought of the Lion King stories should see this.  Luckily for my kids, I've always told them that lions eat warthogs and meerkats so they can never be friends as friends do not eat friends.  Just stabs them in the back.

Warning:  Savage video ahead.

I guess hakuna matata is out of the question for this warthog.

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