Friday, February 14, 2014

Mummified Pizza, Anyone?

Random Things, News, Food - Mummy Pizza
           Visit [] for the mummy pizza recipe.

It's the perfect pizza for the uniformed men.  

At least that's what the scientists in the U.S. Army Natick Soldier Research, Development and Engineering Center are aiming for in perfecting this soldier's food.  Get this, this pizza would last without refrigeration, not days, not weeks, not months, but years.  Years. 

How's that possible?  Read on.

Simple.  By tweaking the acidity of the sauce, cheese and dough, making it harder for oxygen and bacteria to thrive.  That doesn't really tell much now does it?  Well what would you expect.  It's a program funded by the military.  If there are secret missions, certainly there'd be secret recipes.  Ok. But how about the taste?

Jill Bates from the lab that runs the taste tests has this to say "It pretty much tastes just like a typical pan pizza that you would make at home and take out of the oven or the toaster oven," she said. "The only thing missing from that experience would be it's not hot when you eat it. It's room temperature."[from this Associated Press post]

So how about it?  Would you like to have one?   I'm sure this guy would.

He likes pizza.

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