Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Holy Smokes Batman!

batman, october jones, joe butcher

The Batmobile broke down so I'm taking the subway.

Here's a good idea from illustrator Joe Butcher AKA October Jones when you're stuck in traffic while commuting.  "I take the subways, there's no traffic there." Of course there is silly.  Anyway, get yourself a pen/pencil and a post-it (yes, the ones you took from the office supplies would be fine), draw random heads, strategically position them covering people's heads, and, this is the crucial part, covertly take a picture using your smartphone.

Hit the jump for more pics and the link.

Last part is important because, well, you don't want your face to be pummelled in by someone who's pissed at having his head replaced by Earthworm Jim.  Me?  I'd totally rock it.

Full Story.

Robin:  Picked up the seal pulsator yet, Batman?