Monday, February 3, 2014

Evolution at its Finest

News on Amusing Animals - Fly

Or not.

Think about it.  If this was a product of evolution, then this fly's wings must start with, what, a dot, then to a bigger dot, then to a blotch, then the blotch gradually changed shape, evolved, and somehow materialized into a convincing replica of an ant?

Pardon me, but I find the idea of evolution absurd.

Just like the idea that humans evolved from apes.  If it were the case, there shouldn't be any apes left right? Or do you mean to tell me that some apes just simply stopped evolving, and chose to remain as apes?

Now, now.  I don't want to start a debate.  Although you may have a point when you would say that some humans still behave as if they were still apes.  I blame their parents, probably didn't feed them enough bananas.

Full Story.

Rock-a-bye Franky, on a monkey.

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