Monday, February 3, 2014

Breath Damn It! Breath!!!

News, Sports, Outdoor - Dean's Hole

That's me saying to myself while watching this.

This guy is truly nuts.  I remember when my wife and I went for snorkeling in one of our tropical vacations where pussy that I am when it comes to deep waters, had a sudden panic attack that blew all my faculties and reasons out the window.  In that sheer moment of terror, I grab hold of my wife and cried out "Help! Help! Help!" all the while trashing my hands wildly like a maniac. 

Luckily, we were rescued by the lifeguard on board the chartered boat and even luckier, because of my grabbing actions, he thought that it was my wife who was having a problem, and that me, gentleman that I am, was helping her out of distress.  Save! I mean, face saved!

By the way, this dive site is Dean's Blue Hole which is deeper than any of Dean's other holes if you were wondering.

My wife still laughs in stitches every time she remembers me rescuing her.

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