Monday, February 17, 2014

T.I.A. Bru

This is Africa - News, Animals, Random Things - Blood Diamond - Leonardo Dicaprio

In case you don't know how to lip-read, what my bro Leo is saying up there is "This is Sparta". Wait, what? Oh sorry, wrong film, Africa, it's Africa.

Video after the jump shows you a still-alive impala having its guts devoured by a wild dog in the Kruger National Park.  One of them footages that let's us see just how wild the wilds really are.  Not a video to watch while enjoying your expensive Foie Gras nor one to show to the kids especially when you have a pet dog at home.

Warning:  Savage footage ahead.

Props for the wild dog in taking down the impala all by itself.

Later interview with the dog:  "I ate his liver with some fava beans and chianti.. fffttfft fftf tftfff"

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