Thursday, January 30, 2014

Taylor Swift Kicked in the Face

Random Events, News - Taylor Swift in Grammys

Apparently, a top-tier streetfighter character could not take the Swift down.

I don't really get the headbanging part.  I'm no expert but piano+headbanging?  Doesn't look right.  But who am I to say. Maybe she's just showing how intense that song part should be taken.

The $9.84 Credit Card Scam

If you are not one to check on the charges made to your credit card statement, I got news for you.

The scam is successful as the report goes because what the scammers charge is not much, just $9.84 or £5.95 depending on where you are.  They know that credit card owners tend to not notice the entry and if they do, would not bother with it, because it's a small amount afterall.  Clearly whomever thought of this is brilliant.  I hazard he's got an A+ in Social Engineering.

This is How Cars Go to Car Heaven

Random Thoughts, Vehicles - Lightning Mcqueen

Lightning McQueen and the entire denizens of Radiator Springs would surely get nightmares after seeing this.

A marvel of engineering I should say.  I could stare at it all day.  Something about those metal teeth grinding and biting onto those metal parts  that is hypnotic.  Kinda like that swirling pattern only a hundred times cooler.

Hit the jump for the grinding video.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

This Fish Sucks

Amusing Random Things - Yolkfish

My wife would surely love this.

Mainly because she loves cooking, she loves fish (we have a nano reef tank at home), and it's functional! Only problem there is if she could wrestle it out from me.  I'd use that fish to get those yolks out like there's no tomorrow.

Hit the jump to know where to buy and see the fish in action.

Truck Drivers Can Make You Scream Like a Girl

Funny Random Things - Scream

"What the hell are you dooohhhiiiing???!!!!  Noooohhhhh!!! Noooohhhhh!!!! Aaaaaeeeeee!!!!!"

I LOLed.  Sorry, can't help it.  If it happened to me, I probably would have screamed in the same girly voice as well.  And in all likelihood, I would also need to change my pants after that.

Video after the jump.

How To Parry a Live News Bomber Like a Champ

Knee to the groin.  Knee to the groin.

Worthy advice.  When you want to get noticed in a live news coverage, running into the news caster might not be the best idea, especially if the newscaster is Jim Cantore.  Class act there Mr. Cantore. Class act indeed.

Too bad he missed the sweet spot though, otherwise, the bugger would have keeled over and ended up in a more interesting coverage.  Sigh.

That, or the bugger didn't have balls in the first place.

How Many Brothas Does It Take To Knock-out One Hobbit?

Three.  One to distract the hobbit, another to hit (and miss) the hobbit up front, and another to sneak attack the hobbit from behind (the real attack, thereby knocking the sh*t out of said hobbit).

Not that I am for this guy that got knocked-out as he probably had it coming his way, but come on, three guys?  Plus, the second and third guys were practically twice the size of the fella.  Geez.

Guy must have ended up in a coma or looking like Gollum after that beating. Personally, I'd prefer the former.

Interesting comment:  Whenever black people are starting sh*t with you just turn 180 and swing behind you, you'll knock someone out every time.

Makes sense.

Enlarge Your Vessel Without Pills

Please, put that p***s pump away, I'm talking about boats here.

We all know of at least one person that will always say you can't do this, you can't do that, you can't do anything.  Certain times, this negativism will be masked as being a "realist view."  Sure, being grounded, knowing your limits, is a good thing.  But you know, all these great things that the world has right now, all the achievements, these were not born from this "can't do" thinking.  I know, you might think that this does not suit me saying all this stuff.  I'm saying the same thing too to myself - "You can't say that."  Well guess what self, I can.

Aanndd.. scene.

So did the folks in Blohm+Voss Shipyard when people said that you can't increase an existing boat's length.

Something to ponder:  A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

A Prelude to the Clone Wars

Whatever happened to the novelty of Star Wars.

Part of the appeal why Star Wars is a great trilogy is because of the mystery that came with starting the series with IV, instead of an I. Sure, the IV was just added later, but something about not starting with I that drew people to it.  It's not normal. But a brilliant idea.

Sad thing is, brilliant ideas are often exploited because, well, they're brilliant.  So in goes the I, the II, and the III.  You see, I didn't care much about these three prequels, and that's saying something considering I'm a big Star Wars fan.  Only good thing about the three films combined was the double-edge light saber but other than that, forget it.  And now they're coming up with VII, VIII, and IX.  Right.  Talk about beating a dead horse.  Really beating it.  Good for George Lucas to finally get the message by bailing out of the sequels. Though I would think he bailed out because of the really bad flak he received for making the three prequels.

The force is strong in the one who made the video.

Gym Businesses Worldwide Might Become a Thing of the Past

So will man-boobs.

Fact:  No man is born with a body like Hercules.
Fact:  You can have a body like Hercules by going to the gym.
Fact:  Men do not like going to the gym.
Conclusion:  Men will have man-boobs sooner or later.

That made perfect sense in my head until I wrote it down.  Now, not so much.  But I'm convinced of the time when it made sense that I am not going to change it.

I'm sure this was used in the Batman & Robin movie.

The Joys of 180 Proof Vodka

They say that alcohol is the door to the mysterious world.

It's a world where everything is possible.  Where your voice can hit notes that even the world's best tenors can't.  A world where you dance better than  the world ballet members combined.   A world where you look like Brad Pitt, only more handsome.

It's also a world of wonders where unexplainable things happen. Things like ending up in the toilet without you remembering the trip.  Or of a truck ending up on top of a tree.  Of women mysteriously becoming pregnant.  

This world is all fun and good, until you try to go home that is.

Guy #1 to Guy #2:  Come on man, stop hurting the pavement with your face.

Motoring Tip of the Day: Watch Out for Bulls

Bull-1, Biker-0

I wonder what would have been going on in the biker's mind when he saw the bull going towards him.  I imagine something in the lines of "Is that a bull?  Looks like a bull.  No.  It can't be a bull.  Although. It really looks like a bull. Wait.  Oh sh**!  Oh sh**!"  BLAGARAGHGHGHG!!!!

"Yep.  Definitely a bull"

Spoiler.  Didn't end well for the bull.

Ever Wondered How Big A Blue Whale Is?

Chances are, this will the closest you'll ever be to one.

Unless you're a marine biologist and/or a crew of that environmental show where they chase a bunch of Japanese boats, pelting their crew with formaldehydes or something.  Whale Wars I think it's called - actually an interesting show - especially the pelting part.  But seriously, who ever started this [insert a random word] Wars themed shows? I mean, come on, Storage Wars?

What's funny is how serious they take the "war" part.  "This here matey is one of a kind.  If we can't pull it off, (insert dramatic shake of the head here) everyone will be in grave danger.  Everyone.  Our lives, (deep breath) all lead to this one here.  We need to do this before .. (insert sound of impending doom background music) OMG! He's got the bid! NOOOO!!!!  We're done for Joe.. WE'RE DONE FOR!!!"

That just sends shivers down my spine.  Now where was I?  Oh yeah, the whale.

Life-size Whale in your Computer

I personally thought the eye would be a lot bigger.

Monday, January 27, 2014

A Charging Leopard Tank, A Stretch of Road, and A Line of People

When break tests go wrong.

One of the things that my parents taught me is not to stand in front of a tank.  Especially if said tank is barrelling towards you at 45 miles per hour.  Apparently, although this is just pure speculation on my part, these good folks are employees of the company that makes these tanks and were trying to prove how safe the breaking mechanism under the threat of losing their jobs if they refuse to do so.

Unedited footage.

Messed-Up Moment of the Day: Husband Stabs Wife - Onlooker Films On

Warning!  Extremely Graphic.

Some people and their videos these days.  First instinct in seeing violence is to film it.  "Yes! Sweetheart, this is for my 15 seconds of fame. *wink*" 

WTF?  Seriously, these guys could have prevented the stabbing.  I was like, surely they would help.  Any moment now.  Any moment.  Guys, now would be a good time.  Guys?  Guys!  I know that it's risky but come on, there's two of them (possibly more), surely they could have subdued the husband while he had his back turned?  A kick to the face, a suckerpunch to the groin, a jiu-jitsu arm bar, a jump on the back, anything.   But instead, they filmed on.

Sad state of the world we live in.

Evil triumphs when good men do nothing.  

I Can Think of 2.7 Million Reasons Why You Should Hack Google's Chrome OS

2.71828 Million U.S. Dollars to be exact.

This is a challenge issued by Google for their Pwnium which is the company's annual security competition event.  The challenge is issued as a means for Google to assess the capability of their software in deflecting hackers and our their nefarious and evil machinations.  This allows the developers of Google a means of knowing and applying fixes for the security holes that will be identified by them hackers.  Good thinking if I may say so.

The following section is extremely geeky.  You have been warned.  

Why 2.71828? Because this number is special, it's the base constant for a natural algorithm and it has a name, e.  Eeee, say it, Eeee.  Got it?  Good.

So if you think you're up to it, shoot them an email at  Registration is until 5:00 p.m. PST, Monday, 03/10/2014.  Official rules can be found here.

Google Challenge

You know, at times like these when I ask myself, why oh why didn't I pursue programming.

Friday, January 24, 2014

I Need More Cowbell

You would too if you feel pissed and crappy.  Hence this.

The second take is just funny as hell.  With Walken's deadpan expression, Ferrell's dancing, and of course, the cowbell.   Easily SNL's best skit.

I wonder where that expression came from though, picturing hell as funny.


I got a fever.

Alternate if video above does not load.

Delivery of Lamborghini Veneno - The World's Most Expensive Retail Car

Price tag is $4,106,000 which is the highest to date according to my sources.. don't ask who they are.

I've always been a fan of Lamborghini.  This one though a beauty in its own right, definitely does not take the cake. Too many flares and angles.  Not like the smooth angled lines of the Sesto Elemento or Aventador.   The rev at 1.19 though is just orgasmic.

Cool car, the owner not much.  I don't know, somehow he comes to me as a douche. Yeah yeah, I'm just bitter like all the others who can't afford a multi-million dollar car.  But hey, I got an excuse.  I just got robbed. So shut it and let me go about my ranting.
I'd probably be a douche about it too if I own one.. and likely I'll be singing "I feel you creeping, I can see you from my shadow. Wanna jump up in my Lamborghini Veneno."  Douchery at its finest.

Street Justice for a Thief

Remember those movie scenes where the mark is bumped and their valuables are taken without the mark noticing?  We would think, that's impossible!  There's no way you wouldn't feel that.  I used to think that way too.

I was pickpocketed today in the train ride on my way home.  Thief or likely thieves got away with my company-issued Blackberry.  The heist happened when I was stepping off from the train, somebody grabbed my left shoulder hard which prompted me to turn sideways to the left looking for that person (was thinking someone I knew).  The phone was at my right pocket, front side.  After turning and not seeing anyone I knew, I simply continued walking.  And voila, several steps after, I checked my right pocket, the phone's gone, and so is the train. Damned thieves.

Luckily they weren't able to take my wallet which was also at the time in the same pocket.
I wonder what level you would have to be in your summoning skill in order for you to summon a street justice mob.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

4 Left Tightens into 3 Right Caution Crest into 1 Left then to a Hairpin Right

I got that from playing WRC.

It's the million dollar question.  Who are the world's best car drivers?  Some would say outright, F1 no contest. Not me though.  I truly believe that these WRC drivers are the best ones out there.  Just look at the ridiculous track they have to navigate and at such speeds.  The tracks are not flat, have blind corners,  changes from tarmac to  dirt, to mud, to gravel, to snow, and to concrete.   Sometimes all that in one run.  Seriously, these guys have balls.  Big ones.

Sadly despite the thrills though, WRC almost disappeared from motoring sports because of the lack of promoters and TV coverage.  Damn TV moguls. *raises fists in anger*

Hopefully that will change as it would surely be a shame to lose this great motoring sport.

Vroom! Vroom!

More videos here - WRC Official Website

Excuse me, do you have the time?

Time is gold they say, but the piece that tells it is sometimes worth more.

A decent watch is a must have for a good gentleman getup. They don't have to be uber expensive, just nice enough that it doesn't scream "look at me I'm filthy rich," but of course you don't want to project the "look at me I'm the connoisseur of cheap" look.

That idea might work for a working-class like me, but if you are filthy rich, I don't see why you can't rock these watches out. If I were, I would love the Patek Philippe Sky Moon Tourbillon at #5. Because I get two sides of a watch for the price of one.  Neat.  Besides, who doesn't want to see the lunar cycle, huh?

Plus its name has Tourbillon in it. It sounds French.

Most Expensive Watches

“Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana.” 
― Anthony G. Oettinger

Alcohol-Induced Faceplant

I know, I know.  It's wrong to laugh at someone's misfortune.

But admit it, while watching the video.. you were waiting for that moment weren't you? Weren't you?  Now wipe that grin off your face.  Plus, I think the guy deserves props for the sheer skills of staying upright, let alone riding a vehicle that only has two wheels. Yes, bike is a vehicle.  Or not.  I don't know.

Is there something in my teeth?

Does He Look Like a Bitch?

Say what again! I dare you!  I double-dare you!

Reminds me of my childhood days playing Double Dragon in a Nintendo Family Computer.  What's that you say?   It's a game console, looks like the one below. And, get this, it's capable of rendering a mind-boggling 8-bit video in HD (I kid you not)

Oddly enough, I miss those games.. they were so much simpler then, four buttons and you're good to go. Not like games these days.   What am I supposed to do with 24 buttons?  I only got 10 fingers -_-

Royale with cheese.

The Bieb's Arrested for DUI - Yes this is Relevant

It's so relevant that I am not even bothering to make a comment.  See what I did there?

Justin Bieber - Arrest


Best Motivational Video of the Day

Have you heard about Lizzie Velasquez? I haven't.. Not until today, that is.

To see such strength of character from a really frail looking person is truly inspiring.  Having to turn all that negativity towards something positive. Wow.  I'm sure at some point in your life you've encountered a really bad criticism that when you look at it, it's not really criticism at all but a personal attack instead.  We have had our fair share but I would think they would fail miserably in comparison to what this brave woman experienced and still experiencing.  

What's her secret weapon?  Her parents.  Wish that I could also impart such strength to my kids.

More video here:

Braveheart Bambi the flesh.

Few videos can really reach into me.  This one is among them.  Don't ask why, it just did.

A fawn + A grownup man + Axe. Surely a recipe for disaster, right? For the deer anyway.  But..


Miracles Do Exist!

If this is not one, then I don't know what is.

I personally witnessed a very similar accident way back then.  There I was taking a ride back home when a kid (about 9) playing on the other side of the road suddenly and without warning ran towards the center onto incoming traffic.  Bam! A car hit the child squarely in the chest, kid fell over, ran over by the front tire, then grindingly halted under the rear tire.. picture a handkerchief under your palm, roll  your hand forward and that was pretty much what I saw when the kid was under the rear tire.  People scrambled over the car and was trying to lift the rear end so that they can free the child.  Eventually they were able to.. by pushing the car forward.. with the kid still under the tire.  It was a surreal experience.. you're seeing it but your mind is too confounded that you just can't seem to believe that it is happening.  I didn't realize that I was shouting the whole time, "Sh**! The Kid! The Kid!"

Harrowing as it may seem, it was a miracle though.  I came to find out later in the news that the kid was released that day from the hospital, with nothing more than a few superficial scratches. Miracle.

Translation of the commentary according to the source: "The child and the grandmother have already left the hospital and are doing fine, thank God."

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Epic Snorkeling Woman is Epic

Epic I tell you.

Who among you have seen Jaws, the frighteningly suspenseful one, and no, not the other three sequels after it?  Apparently this brave woman is not fazed at all by the movie.  No sir.  Maybe she thinks this shark is Bruce?   Hey Dory, is he?

Wish I have her courage, heck, I wish I have her swimming skills..  Co'z well, I swim like a rock.. no wait.. I drown like a rock.

Thought going on in shark's head - *WTF?  Got a deathwish or somethin?  You're lucky I just had me a good chunk of human leg roast 10 minutes ago*

Gee! I F

GIFs.  What would the Internet be without you.

I ponder on all the great many hours I've spent browsing looking at GIFs heckling to myself when I see some really funny ones.. wait, did I just say many hours?  That's sad..  This is an ode to these great Internet invention.. without which, the memes would never be the same.

They range from the cute ones

.. the funny ones

.. and the weird ones

Here's a list of GIFs that more or less represent the happenings in our day to day miserable excuse for a life. :p

GIFs of our Lives

I personally like #7 and #28 :D

Fus! Ro! Dah!

If you're into gaming, you probably know the meaning of the title.

Ahh, Skyrim. The great world that is not.  Never have I stuck around playing a game this long, not even with Diablo and all its sequels.  Two years after it was released, here I am still at it.  It's because of Skyrim that I have not seriously played any new game that came out in 2012 and 2013.  Starcraft II, Crysis 3,  Assassin's Creed III, Total War: Rome II, Diablo 3, and other great games in those two years that I have bought and either installed in my laptop but have not really seriously played at all or left in their DVD sleeves to gather dust.  I get bored after just a few minutes of playing those that I've installed. This is not good for my gaming health.  Not good at all.

What makes Skyrim great?  Well, it's got 9.5 rating from IGN (which translates into Amazing) and it's 1 of  2 of the only western games that got a perfect score in Japan's infamous Famitsu.  See for yourself.

I used to be an adventurer like you, then I took an arrow in the knee.

"I have infinite capacity to do more work as long as you don't mind that my quality approaches zero" - Dilbert

I love Dilbert clips.

They're funny, witty, succinct, and brutally sarcastic.  However brutal, they really show what most people think but are hesitant to say when faced in such situations. I mean who doesn't want to say those words (points to the article title) to his boss, huh?  I wonder what would happen if we live in a society where being Dilbert is totally acceptable.  I would certainly love to say those words.  Hey boss, you reading this?

Best of Dilbert Comics

You gonna eat that?

Dude, You Alright? You don't look so good

Wow, that was fast.

I could never understand drugs and its use.  Maybe because I haven't tried one or perhaps my stupidity is just getting the better of me.  Either way, this looks really dangerous.  Downright frightful I might add.  I'm amazed how the tester can keep his cool despite seeing the guy having those reactions.  Wonder if they have ODed him to oblivion.  Hmm.  *pokes the guy with a stick*


Ron Jeremy - Wreaking Ball .. So it has come to this

This parody is equally gross and awesome at the same time.

I wanted to close the window the moment Ron Jeremy started singing but somehow could not get myself to.. The mouse hovers over the X button but I'm not clicking.. Why are you not clicking??? Said my brain.  LOL don't click, the guy's awesome.. said the other side of my brain. Sagging skin, drooping ass, old man boobs, but.. it's Ron Jeremy.. the guy's practically a legend for crying out loud.  Kinda reminds reminds me when Heath Ledger (rest in peace) as the Joker said "This is what happens when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object."   Ok, perhaps that is a bad comparison. Kinda messes you up I tell you.

Warning:  What has been seen cannot be unseen.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Holy $#!7 of the Day

Picture this.

You are in a nice hotel lobby, minding your own business.  Newspaper in hand, a drink in another.  Smooth piped-in music playing.  The smell of freshly cleaned furniture.  The soft hum of the air-conditioner.  Maybe the distant sound of birds chirping.  Leaves rustling.  Waves breaking.  Ahhh, this is nice.  Then..

Wait for it ;)

Reservoir Dogs - A Must Watch

If you're a Tarantino fan that is.  Which I am.

I've always thought his breakthrough was with Pulp Fiction but turned out I wasn't reading Wiki enough.  Well I admit, I didn't really care much about Tarantino's history and what not.. I like the man's films and that's it.  I really don't know that he was born in March 27, 1963 and that his career began in the 80s and that he's been romantically linked with  Mira Sorvino Allison AndersSofia Coppola Julie Dreyfus (how did this one happen???) and Didem Erol (and this one???).. Props for the conquests there mister. 

Ok, I might have been reading too much of his bio that I digress.  Here's the trailer and I highly recommend that you watch the whole film.  

Spoiler.  The chronological order of the story is messed up, but of course you already know that.

Awesome Parenting - I'm Being Sarcastic

I was literally holding my breath the entire time.

I am a father of two.  Two really adorable kids that have the knack of staying in my face when I am at home, which for the most part is really adorable but you know sometimes, it just gets too much.  You know those times when you're really really tired from a day's work and you just want to chill.. you know have some time to think for yourself.. or those times when you really want to do something productive like doing household chores.. write your blog.. play Skyrim. Ok, maybe the last one is pushing it, but you get the idea.

Now, I might not be the best parent out there,  but this is just wrong in so many levels that it's not even funny.  You don't believe me?  Watch.
My advice, don't forget to breath.

Yay! My First Post!

Welcome! Welcome!

After years and years of pondering, well actually more  like two months, I finally decided to write my own blog.  To what end you may ask?  Well, simple, I wanted to share to the rest of the world the insights of my borderline genius thoughts (or so I would like to think).. that, and ultimately due to an excess amount of free time.. which is really the reason why.  Boredom sucks.

Anyway, read on friends, hope you enjoy your stay!