Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Ron Jeremy - Wreaking Ball .. So it has come to this

This parody is equally gross and awesome at the same time.

I wanted to close the window the moment Ron Jeremy started singing but somehow could not get myself to.. The mouse hovers over the X button but I'm not clicking.. Why are you not clicking??? Said my brain.  LOL don't click, the guy's awesome.. said the other side of my brain. Sagging skin, drooping ass, old man boobs, but.. it's Ron Jeremy.. the guy's practically a legend for crying out loud.  Kinda reminds reminds me when Heath Ledger (rest in peace) as the Joker said "This is what happens when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object."   Ok, perhaps that is a bad comparison. Kinda messes you up I tell you.

Warning:  What has been seen cannot be unseen.

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