Monday, January 27, 2014

I Can Think of 2.7 Million Reasons Why You Should Hack Google's Chrome OS

2.71828 Million U.S. Dollars to be exact.

This is a challenge issued by Google for their Pwnium which is the company's annual security competition event.  The challenge is issued as a means for Google to assess the capability of their software in deflecting hackers and our their nefarious and evil machinations.  This allows the developers of Google a means of knowing and applying fixes for the security holes that will be identified by them hackers.  Good thinking if I may say so.

The following section is extremely geeky.  You have been warned.  

Why 2.71828? Because this number is special, it's the base constant for a natural algorithm and it has a name, e.  Eeee, say it, Eeee.  Got it?  Good.

So if you think you're up to it, shoot them an email at  Registration is until 5:00 p.m. PST, Monday, 03/10/2014.  Official rules can be found here.

Google Challenge

You know, at times like these when I ask myself, why oh why didn't I pursue programming.

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