Monday, January 27, 2014

Messed-Up Moment of the Day: Husband Stabs Wife - Onlooker Films On

Warning!  Extremely Graphic.

Some people and their videos these days.  First instinct in seeing violence is to film it.  "Yes! Sweetheart, this is for my 15 seconds of fame. *wink*" 

WTF?  Seriously, these guys could have prevented the stabbing.  I was like, surely they would help.  Any moment now.  Any moment.  Guys, now would be a good time.  Guys?  Guys!  I know that it's risky but come on, there's two of them (possibly more), surely they could have subdued the husband while he had his back turned?  A kick to the face, a suckerpunch to the groin, a jiu-jitsu arm bar, a jump on the back, anything.   But instead, they filmed on.

Sad state of the world we live in.

Evil triumphs when good men do nothing.  

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