Wednesday, April 30, 2014

When Celebrities are Commoners

Daily Random Funny Celebrities - Common People

'Tis all one, I will show myself a tyrant: when I have fought with the men, I will be cruel with the
maids, and cut off their heads.

"Say what?"  That is Shakespeare mon frere'.  "Yeah, so what's the point?"  Shakespeare, royalties, commoners?  "Doesn't make any sense."  Ahh... Indeed, I should have ask'd you that before.  "Good, glad to see you come around."  Now I'll tell you without asking: my master is the great rich Capulet; and if you be not of the house of Montagues, I pray, come and crush a cup of wine. Rest you merry!  "You're hopeless."  Begone! Foul beast!  Begone!

Arrr, now what say you, you of noble blood shall go on to the clicky clicky. "That's pirate, not Shakespeare."  Begone!  Foul beast!  Arrr!  

Do the clicky clicky.

Monday, April 28, 2014

Pretty Awesome Short Films

Daily Random Film - Best Shorts

Hollywood could surely use a page (or two) out of these director's notebook.

Here's a couple of short films that will make you wish they were full featured films.  What do you get when you combine The Hunger Games, Oblivion, and Predators?  You get Project Skyborn by Marko Slavnic. A nice short Sci-Fi that messes up your mind.  The second one, Lights Out by David Sandberg has the feel of Paranormal Activity with a pinch of The Conjuring.  Quite scary.  It's the reason why I'm not sleeping with the lights off at the moment.

I'm telling you, both shorts are guaranteed to have you wanting for more, or your money back.  "I didn't pay for anything."  Oh did I forget to mention?  I'm charging your credit card $1,000,000.00 for each visit you make here. *wink* *wink*

Hit the jump to watch the short films.

How To Ruin An Expensive Sport Bike

Daily Random News Vehicles - Sportsbike Accident

And be an organ donor too!

If you're not going fast you're not doing it right.  I'm sure I've read that somewhere about owning super cars and super bikes.  Not sure if that is a company slogan or just a bunch of nonsense that someone with a deathwish wrote down in a review. Whichever the case maybe is not important because this guy must have also read that statement and is actually living up to it.

With such recklessness and total disregard for safety, it's a wonder how he's managed to stay alive up to this point.  It's a wonder still how he's gone out of this accident unscathe, well maybe a broken bone or two but he still lives!  Ooo! I know! I know!  "What?" He's Johnny Blaze.  "Johny who?"  Johny Blaze, the Ghost Rider..  You know, flaming motorbike, a flaming skull for a head? "..." Played by Nicolas Cage?  Pictured above?  "Oh yeah."  You're a bit slow on the uptake aren't you?  I kid, I kid.

Well anyway, keep going to see the video..  wish I could say the crash and burn video, but I don't want to give you false hopes,  it's just a crash.. but a good one! Promise.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Infomercial's Finest

Daily Funny Random - Joey Infomercial

Call them exaggerated but these ploys actually work.

Do you always have free time in your hands?  Does your mind continuously sit idle for more than 30 minutes even when you are supposed to be on a deadline?  Do you find yourself looking at a distance with a blank expression on your face even when you're talking to your boss?  If you do, then it's time for your dose of The Musings of a Sillyman! ..

"Lame."  Shut it. I know it's lame.  It's supposed to be lame.

Anyway, I guess the clip after the jump would do a lot worse better than that.

Everyone's a critic these days.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Flying a Phantom Drone Into a Fireworks Display

Daily Random Gadgets - Drone Films Fireworks

Damn fine or stupid idea, you decide.

Fireworks in all its fiery beauty are best enjoyed from afar, yes?  I guess that's the general consensus because well, standing a meter from an exploding pyrotechnic may not be the best of ideas especially if you are concerned about staying alive. Thanks to these guys though, we can see the fireworks in a whole new perspective, and that is being right in the middle of it.  Personally, I would not risk a $500 drone to pull this stunt.

True story.  I once had a close call of being burned by fireworks when I was a kid.  You see, on New Year's Day, my friends and I would go out on the streets collecting black powder from fireworks that failed to go off from the previous night.  We knew it's dangerous but we were kids.. we were oblivious that the danger is real.  So there was this time when we've collected maybe a soda can-full of black powder.  That time we had the idea of laying it out on the ground in a trail just like in the cartoons, you know the one where Bugs Bunny is battling out Yosemite Sam in Bunker Hill Bunny.

I lit it up, and boy, it was not like the cartoons at all.  The fire chewed the trail of black powder so fast that it happened in a flash.  And there I was, sitting just several inches away from the end of the trail where we had a pile of black powder as the finale.  I recall a flash of blinding light and the heat so close to my face. The smell of singed hair in the air. Luckily I was unscathed, but boy was it close.

Keep going to see the drone being more than singed, no doubt.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Amazing Video of Corals from 150,000 Macro Shots

Daily Random Animals Photography - Daniel Stoupin

Alrighty, what would be an appropriate first post after a beachy (yes, there's such a word) vacation?  I know, showcase the beauty that one can find in them.. Or under them, if you want to be more technical.

The video is a mashup of 150,000 macro shots of corals by marine biologist and photographer Daniel Stoupin based in Queensland, Australia.  I'd say he's got some mad photography skillz (pardon the leet speak) and even madder patience. "Huh?" Did you read that?  150,000 pictures.  In perspective, that's about 149,990 pictures more than what I would include in the video if I were the one to create this mashup. Yes, you'll get 10 pictures if it were me..  Possibly 11, if I wake up on the right side of the bed.

Hah! Like that happens.

Well you know what to do to see the clip.

Monday, April 14, 2014

The Boy's Back in Town!

Oh yes!

It was an extremely fun and terribly tiring two weeks of sun, sand, and sea.. It was so tiring that I actually felt the need for a holiday from my holidays. Imagine that. But the most that got beaten was, you guess it, my wallet.  It's so thin now that I'm afraid it's bulimic.  I'm telling you, grand vacations are not good for your wallet.. not at all. But who am I kidding, would I do another grand vacation again?  Hell yeah!

"That's great and all, but where's our presents?" Err.  Here's a picture we snapped of Boracay beach, would that be enough?

Daily Travels - Boracay

By the way, I'm still reeling from all the activities that I may still need to rest out a bit before I can resume regular blogging, so don't hold your breaths just yet, you lovely folks you.