Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Amazing Video of Corals from 150,000 Macro Shots

Daily Random Animals Photography - Daniel Stoupin

Alrighty, what would be an appropriate first post after a beachy (yes, there's such a word) vacation?  I know, showcase the beauty that one can find in them.. Or under them, if you want to be more technical.

The video is a mashup of 150,000 macro shots of corals by marine biologist and photographer Daniel Stoupin based in Queensland, Australia.  I'd say he's got some mad photography skillz (pardon the leet speak) and even madder patience. "Huh?" Did you read that?  150,000 pictures.  In perspective, that's about 149,990 pictures more than what I would include in the video if I were the one to create this mashup. Yes, you'll get 10 pictures if it were me..  Possibly 11, if I wake up on the right side of the bed.

Hah! Like that happens.

Well you know what to do to see the clip.

*First read from this blog.

Freakishly beautiful.

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