Friday, June 13, 2014

You Know Nothin' Jon Snow

Daily Funny TV Shows - Game of Thrones Honest Trailer

That's what she said.

Season 4 is about to end *sigh*  and it'd be 2015 before we get to watch Peter Dinklage and the rest of the gang. "You had to pick The Imp."  Yes of course.  He is the most popular character.  "No he's not."  Alright, name another character who's actor's name got used as the lyrics of the show's title sequence?  No one. Only Peter Dinklage.  *cue intro song* Come on, sing with me now..  "Peter Dinklage, Peter Dinklage, Peter Dinklage, Peter Dinklage .."

Fair warning.  What you are about to see is an Honest Trailer of Game of Thrones Seasons 1-3, which is pretty much, well, an honest trailer of Game of Thrones..  You have been warned.

Hit the jump for the video and the link to other Honest Trailers.

Monday, June 9, 2014

The Hellevator

Daily Random News - Elevator from Hell

0 to 60 or in this case 1 to 31 in 15 seconds flat.

It's the nightmare that everyone riding an elevator dreads..  "Riding with a clown with a pet skunk?" No. Why would a clown have a pet skunk?  As I was saying .. "Being trapped in the elevator with a moose?" No.  Moose? As I was saying .. "Riding with a giant tarantula that's singing Everything is Awesome?" Wait, what? You've got some weird stuff going on in your mind there pal.  Who are you?  "I am your father." Really.  "Ok ok, I am your conscience."  Right.  I don't have one you dweeb. "Now you do."  Go away.  "I can't.  I'm part of you."  "Inside you." ... "What does that even mean ... ?"

Let's just get on with the clip.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

The New Mortal Kombat Will Want To Make You

Daily Games News - Mortal Kombat X

I dunno, finish someone off?

Get it?  Finish someone off?  Ha ha ha.  <sarcasm voice> "Very clever."  </sarcasm voice> I know right?  Sometimes I even surprise myself.  But hey, have you seen the trailer yet?  It's the new installment in the Mortal Kombat franchise, Mortal Kombat X. "Is it read as Eks or Ten?"  I don't know.  Why would you care anyway?  It's a new Mortal Kombat and if the gameplay mechanics *cough* environmental objects *cough* would be as good as the trailer then it's going to be an awesome game.  If there's one thing that I don't like though, it is the outcome of the fight.  Oh and the music.  Guess that makes it two.

Hit the jump for the video.

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

One Direction At Their Finest

Daily Random Funny - One Direction Parody

So fine your undies will undo themselves.

They say that there's a true and tested formula for a boyband to succeed.  1.  Good looks, 2.  Good dancing skills, 3.  Good singing voice.  Pick two.  So you might ask, what are the two traits of One Direction then?  Why don't you go ahead and find out for yourselves.  I guarantee, you will get a blast figuring out which. My take, it's the hair.

Hit the jump for the One Direction Infection.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

The Best Description of How Wealthy Bill Gates Is

Daily Random Amusing - Understanding Billions

No, filthy rich is not it.

We humans have a very limited capacity in picturing large numbers.  An average person is capped at imagining thousands.. tens of thousands for the gifted ones.. hundreds of thousands, maybe Stephen Hawking. Approach the million mark and it becomes blurry.  But a billion?  Forget it.  Case in point, can you really comprehend how big a billion is?  Yes? No?  Then consider this, if you start counting from 0 and a number for every second, it would take you 31.7 years to reach a billion.

Now how about Bill Gate's worth in money.  That's 50 billion.. actually it's 77 billion now give or take a few millions.  How would you picture that?  Staggering would be an understatement.  Even Jackie Chan is confused.  Lucky for us, Neil deGrasse Tyson's here to save the day.

Hit the jump to see a very good take at describing how wealthy the world's wealthiest man is.  If anything, it would be a good pickup line.

Monday, May 19, 2014

A Game of Death

Daily Random Amusing - Russian Kids Dangerous Stunts

Or in plain words, crazy Russian kids having fun.

We all know the story, It's all fun and games until that little slip.. and BOOM! Or more appropriately, SPLAT!  Stupid?  No doubt.  Dangerous?  Absolutely.  But you gotta admit, what they're doing is just awe-inspiring.  I'm literally holding my breath as I watch them do their stunts.  Just when I thought I've seen it all when it comes to climbing towers without safety harnesses then these guys, these guys just take it to a whole new level. Insanity.  At this rate, I hazard their life expectancy wouldn't be very long. Not that they care anyway.

Hit the jump to watch and get your palms all sweaty.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Insane Downhill Bike Run

Daily Random Amazing Sports - Insane Downhill Bike Run


Believe me, after a few seconds of watching the run and I'm sure you'll agree a hundred percent.  The event is Valparaiso Cerro Abajo 2013.  The guy is Red Bull rider, Marcelo Gutierez..  A guy with balls the size of watermelons.  And I'm not talking about regular sized watermelons, no sir, I'm talking about them show size watermelons.

That being said, it's a marvel how he manages to ride that mountain bike. Pure skills brother.  Pure skills.

Video after the jump.