Friday, June 13, 2014

You Know Nothin' Jon Snow

Daily Funny TV Shows - Game of Thrones Honest Trailer

That's what she said.

Season 4 is about to end *sigh*  and it'd be 2015 before we get to watch Peter Dinklage and the rest of the gang. "You had to pick The Imp."  Yes of course.  He is the most popular character.  "No he's not."  Alright, name another character who's actor's name got used as the lyrics of the show's title sequence?  No one. Only Peter Dinklage.  *cue intro song* Come on, sing with me now..  "Peter Dinklage, Peter Dinklage, Peter Dinklage, Peter Dinklage .."

Fair warning.  What you are about to see is an Honest Trailer of Game of Thrones Seasons 1-3, which is pretty much, well, an honest trailer of Game of Thrones..  You have been warned.

Hit the jump for the video and the link to other Honest Trailers.


Honest Trailers Youtube Channel here.


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