Tuesday, May 27, 2014

The Best Description of How Wealthy Bill Gates Is

Daily Random Amusing - Understanding Billions

No, filthy rich is not it.

We humans have a very limited capacity in picturing large numbers.  An average person is capped at imagining thousands.. tens of thousands for the gifted ones.. hundreds of thousands, maybe Stephen Hawking. Approach the million mark and it becomes blurry.  But a billion?  Forget it.  Case in point, can you really comprehend how big a billion is?  Yes? No?  Then consider this, if you start counting from 0 and a number for every second, it would take you 31.7 years to reach a billion.

Now how about Bill Gate's worth in money.  That's 50 billion.. actually it's 77 billion now give or take a few millions.  How would you picture that?  Staggering would be an understatement.  Even Jackie Chan is confused.  Lucky for us, Neil deGrasse Tyson's here to save the day.

Hit the jump to see a very good take at describing how wealthy the world's wealthiest man is.  If anything, it would be a good pickup line.


Me?  I can only picture up to eight and three quarters.. and picturing the last quarter results in a massive migraine attack.

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