Tuesday, May 27, 2014

The Best Description of How Wealthy Bill Gates Is

Daily Random Amusing - Understanding Billions

No, filthy rich is not it.

We humans have a very limited capacity in picturing large numbers.  An average person is capped at imagining thousands.. tens of thousands for the gifted ones.. hundreds of thousands, maybe Stephen Hawking. Approach the million mark and it becomes blurry.  But a billion?  Forget it.  Case in point, can you really comprehend how big a billion is?  Yes? No?  Then consider this, if you start counting from 0 and a number for every second, it would take you 31.7 years to reach a billion.

Now how about Bill Gate's worth in money.  That's 50 billion.. actually it's 77 billion now give or take a few millions.  How would you picture that?  Staggering would be an understatement.  Even Jackie Chan is confused.  Lucky for us, Neil deGrasse Tyson's here to save the day.

Hit the jump to see a very good take at describing how wealthy the world's wealthiest man is.  If anything, it would be a good pickup line.

Monday, May 19, 2014

A Game of Death

Daily Random Amusing - Russian Kids Dangerous Stunts

Or in plain words, crazy Russian kids having fun.

We all know the story, It's all fun and games until that little slip.. and BOOM! Or more appropriately, SPLAT!  Stupid?  No doubt.  Dangerous?  Absolutely.  But you gotta admit, what they're doing is just awe-inspiring.  I'm literally holding my breath as I watch them do their stunts.  Just when I thought I've seen it all when it comes to climbing towers without safety harnesses then these guys, these guys just take it to a whole new level. Insanity.  At this rate, I hazard their life expectancy wouldn't be very long. Not that they care anyway.

Hit the jump to watch and get your palms all sweaty.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Insane Downhill Bike Run

Daily Random Amazing Sports - Insane Downhill Bike Run


Believe me, after a few seconds of watching the run and I'm sure you'll agree a hundred percent.  The event is Valparaiso Cerro Abajo 2013.  The guy is Red Bull rider, Marcelo Gutierez..  A guy with balls the size of watermelons.  And I'm not talking about regular sized watermelons, no sir, I'm talking about them show size watermelons.

That being said, it's a marvel how he manages to ride that mountain bike. Pure skills brother.  Pure skills.

Video after the jump.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014


Daily Random Funny Animals - Fat Animals

It's what eating fast food makes you.

My homie Jules once said that hamburgers are the cornerstone of any nutritious breakfast, so imagine a world where animals ate what the major percentage of the world's population eat in a daily basis.  What do you think would hunting be like? One word - bouncy and hilarious.

"You said one word." Yes and the cake is a lie.  "..."

Hit the jump to see the clip.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Terrible Boat Accident Should Not Be Funny

Daily Random Funny Boat Accident

But it is.

I wanted to say "But sadly it is," however, I'm not sure if by adding "sadly" would be less mean and actually make a point that making fun of someone's demise is wrong or by doing so would add more insult because it meant that it was indeed funny and thereby saying that making fun of someone's demise is alright. .. Wait.. or is it the other way around ... Now I'm confused.  What I'm saying is, I'm concerned that by saying that it is or it is not would imply that I'm a hypocrite either way and make me less of a credible writer no matter what path I choose despite me being sorry for the passengers, because come on, between the boat driver and the one who edited the original clip, this is just way too funny to pass up.

Keep going to see the take down.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

So That's How Big the Universe Is

Daily Random Amusing Science - Universe Scale

My calculations were off by a parsec but it was pretty close.

I've always been fascinated by the cosmos and its incomprehensible scale. It's such a fascination that if I meet God and he tells me that I can have one wish, my wish would be to "actually see" the universe in its entirety. That'd be awesome.

My kids are fascinated too. They love it when I talk to them about stars that are bigger than the sun. I love how they listen with eyes wide open as I show them how big the sun would be (beachball) if the earth would be the size of a pepper corn and just how small the sun would be (smaller than a dot) if it were compared to the biggest star (beachball) known to men. So this page is just a sweet sweet visual aide that I could show to them. To top it off, the scale even shows dinosaurs! How neat is that huh?

Props to the creators Cary Huang and Michael Huang.

Go here if you're as excited as I am - http://htwins.net/scale2/ 

Here comes the man in black.